Wheat Disease Threatens Global Food Supplies

By Miriam Hall

An international team of researchers has warned that a destructive wheat disease could threaten global food security and is calling for a doubling in funding to develop disease-resistant varieties.

Wheat stem rust - also known as UG99 - is an aggressive fungus and one of the most destructive wheat diseases.

It was first found in Uganda, but has spread through the Middle East, destroying wheat crops.

CSIRO scientist Darren Kriticos - who authored a report about how to keep ahead of the disease - says the wheat industry has been protected so far by developing resistant varieties.

He says wheat stem rust is a global problem and unless there is a long-term plan, wheat-producing countries - including Australia - will be at risk.

"It's headed for Australia. It's not a matter of if it gets to Australia, it's a matter of when," he said.

"So it's imperative for Australia's wheat production and wheat production security to ensure that we have varieties of wheat that are resistant."

Mr Kriticos wants wheat-producing countries around the world to collectively invest $50 million a year to research new ways to protect crops.

"If that investment isn't made we're going to run into problems," he said.

"There will be outbreaks of new emerging strands so this isn't a problem that we can fix with a one-off investment."

Professor of Applied Economics at the University of Minnesota Phil Pardey agrees that a long-term approach is needed.

"It's not just getting the investments right today; it's keeping them right that's the problem," he said.

"It's trying to get that policy message across that whilst Australia might be carrying its fair share globally, we certainly indicate that research in this area needs to double.

"And if you don't, the natural consequences are you expose yourself to a much higher risk of crop failures."

He says agricultural research and development is not often in the spotlight.

"They're not probably particularly sexy to most people in thinking about [research and development]," he said.

"But when you start paying more for your food at the supermarket, you start to notice. We've seen a major increase in food commodity prices in the last five to 10 years.

"What happens in terms of your food bill on a week-to-week basis at a supermarket directly relates back to the amounts and types of investments in [research and development]."

Farmer Bruce Schwartz - who has grown wheat for decades - has seen first-hand how damaging crop diseases can be.

"The disease problems that we do have change with the seasons," he said.

"They can be really bad one year and not so bad the next."

He keeps a close watch on new varieties as a way of protecting his wheat.

"A lot of money goes into research and development," he said.

"They're trying really hard to find remedies for all these diseases but every time they think they've nearly got there, something else pops up."

The paper warning about the threat of wheat stem rust was published in the journal Science today.

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