Ten tips For Success With Indoor Seedlings

Simple tips for getting the most out of young plants being kept inside your greenhouse or home.

Ten tips for success with indoor seedlings

Handy advice: remembering a few key pieces of information can make you more successful in the greenhouse
By Ed Cumming

Whether you’re a hardy veteran in the greenhouse or making your first steps into indoor growing on a windowsill, a few simple tips can help you get the most out of your plants during the early stages, says Andrew Davidson, of mail order veg plant specialists Quickcrop (01788 298795).

The company grows 1.5 million seedlings every year, so has a wealth of experience when it comes to ensuring seeds survive to become healthy plants.

1 Water carefully. You’ll be surprised how quickly plants will dry out in a greenhouse on a hot day, but don’t overwater as saturated soil has no air spaces and can “suffocate” plants. More people kill plants by over- rather than underwatering.

2 Water in the morning rather than evening. Evening watering, given the cooler night-time temperatures is a bit like going to bed in wet pyjamas for plants. It can weaken them and promote disease.

3 If you are starting out, make sure plants don’t get pot-bound (roots emerging from drainage hole). This means the plant has outgrown the pot and the ratio of roots to soil is too high. Plants will dry out quickly, so repot to a larger container.

4 We like our houses much drier than a plant does, so watch your humidity levels. Too little moisture in the air can be a death knell for plants – look out for brown leaf tips. A saucer of water beside a plant pot can make the difference between life and death for a tender seedling.

5 Watch for leggy seedlings. If you start off seeds early make sure they get enough daylight, at least six hours a day. If seedlings grow tall, weak stems they have too much heat but not enough light. If they’re stunted and small you have the opposite problem.

6 Onions grown from seed can be started in January. You will have a much greater choice of variety than onions grown from sets. As above, make sure you have enough light. Daylight hours are short and too much warmth will result in tall, spindly plants.

7 Look after your soil. Whether in pots, raised beds, or in the ground, indoor growing tends to be more intensive and more likely to result in an exhausted soil. Add plenty of organic matter in the autumn or spring.

8 Keep your greenhouse neat, tidy and clean. Indoor growing creates a perfect environment for plants to flourish but also provides ideal conditions for disease. Wash the inside of a greenhouse with a mild citrus solution in spring and discard any diseased plants quickly.

9 Aphids, such as greenfly, can spread very quickly indoors. A preventive garlic spray can confuse the pests into thinking your lettuce is garlic, which they don’t like. Use liberally. It won’t affect the taste of your crops, is totally natural and baffles a wide variety of pests.

10 If you’re itching to sow something this time of year why not try some sprouting seeds? You can buy them mail order, but shop-bought dry lentils, peas and beans can work too. Soak them, pour off excess water and leave them to germinate.

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