Herbs for the Heart

Herbs for the Heart

  • broom - strengthens and normalizes the heart and also rids the body of any build-up of water that is due to insufficient heart strength. Care has to be taken though with this herb as it can increase blood pressure.
  • bugleweed - whilst this herb increases the strength of the heart beat it also decreases its rate and is valuable as a relaxant as well.
  • figwort - is known for its treatment of skin problems but it also strengthens the heart's contractions.
  • hawthorn berries - are one of the most valuable remedies for the circulatory system. They strengthen the force of the contraction of the heart muscle while also dilating the vessels of the coronary circulation. They can be used in most circulatory problems as they will relax or stimulate the heart according to its need and normalize heart function.
  • lily of the valley - can be used where the strength of the heart is insufficient, as in angina, or in the treatment of an aging heart. This is particularly the case when there are fatty deposits in the blood vessels.
  • motherwort - is a relaxing herb and for the circulatory system it will strengthen and normalize the heart function.
  • night blooming cereus - can be use similarly to lily of the valley and is particularly useful where there is any change in the rhythm of the heart beat.

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