Rejuvenating India’s Agriculture Sector

(The Economic Times) Rejuvenating India's agriculture sector, which provides livelihood to nearly 60% of the workforce, needs to be made central to the inclusive growth endeavour. India's current policies for the agriculture sector are geared towards short-term solutions and revenue expenditure rather than long-term capital investment solutions. The dependence on subsidies squeezes government spends on critical infrastructure, technology and credit, in the absence of which farmers use inefficient methods of cultivation. 

The need for increasing agricultural productivity through technology infusion and market-led interventions is gaining urgency. It is well-acknowledged that every rupee of contribution to GDP from farming is twice as effective as other interventions in alleviating rural poverty. Agriculture is an indirect growth driver, as a growth rate of 4% in agriculture translates into robust demand for other sectors. 

High agriculture growth also helps mute food inflation. Yields per hectare of foodgrains, fruits and vegetables in India are far below global averages. Our rice yields are one-third of China's, and about half of Vietnam's and Indonesia's. Even India's most productive states lag global averages. For example, Punjab's yield of rice in 2010 was 3.8 tonnes per hectare against the global average of 4.3 tonnes. The average yield for apples in India (J&K ) is about 11 tonnes per acre compared to the US, New Zealand, Israel or China, where yields range 30-70 tonnes per acre. 

This pattern is typical of most of our farm commodities such as pulses and edible oilseeds whose demand has been rising faster than supply, adding to food inflation. Substantial hikes in Minimum Support Price for rice and wheat have distorted production patterns, resulting in loss of benefits of crop diversification and inadequate focus on cash crops. Lack of infrastructure , post-harvest linkages and technology further results in losses across the supply chain. For example, gross capital formation in agriculture and allied sectors has been below 3% for years. The experience of other economies at similar stages of development is instructive. 

Brazil, China, and several south-east Asian countries have leveraged technology and instituted trade-friendly policies to bring in greater private sector investments into agriculture. In India, where 80% of landholdings are of less than two acres, it is essential to find economically viable solutions to improve farmer incomes. Technologies for energy saving , environment protection, and satellite mapping need to be infused into the sector. All this would require high investments . Such investments can be attracted from the private sector, which has largely remained outside the effort on agricultural capital expenditure . Legal and policy interventions could help augment private investments. For example, the Agriculture Produce Market Committees Act has yet to be revisited in many states. 

Supply chain infrastructure creation such as warehousing , cold storage and rural roads, would also bring in private funds. The private sector is capable of large-scale technology infusion. Precision farming , which leverages IT for matching inputs and provides real-time information on soil, has been deployed to good use by the Argentine group Los Grobos in an outsourcing structure . No-till farming is used in place of ploughing in some countries, leaving residue of the last crop to enrich the soil. Such new-age farming methods , if propagated, can transform production and yields. So, it is essential to raise public research in agriculture. Part of Brazil's success in the sector owes to its high expenditure on agricultural research at 1.7% of its GDP, higher than in China. 

Investment in R&D and sciencebased technologies would greatly benefit India as well, which has 14 agri-climatic zones and potentially wide range of agri produce. Private investment into agriculture R&D must be encouraged through incentives such as tax breaks and availability of land and infrastructure. Finally , trade-led agricultural development must be considered . While self-sufficiency has been the primary objective for the agriculture policy, export of agri-produce to other markets must be explored. For example, countries such as Mexico and the Philippines have taken lead positions in export of mangoes, one of India's trademark fruits. Agricultural tariffs need rethinking in this context. 

As the Indian economy expands , better productivity through technology infusion and introduction of global best practices will ensure better quality and prices for consumers . Also, Indian agriculture will be able to meet to the changing needs of today's consumer and this will give a major fillip to farmers to diversify to high value cash crops. But most importantly, the true winner will be the farmer, in particular the small and marginal farmer, who will be able to improve his income through better productivity and be an equal partner in India's growth.

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