Farm & Forest Can Develop Together According To Scientists

Agriculture and forest can exist in harmony with each other and sustainable development too can take place provided things are planned in that manner.

Unfortunately, lack of coherent and sustainable planning, a result of absence of a 'land use policy' in the country, is not allowing that to happen. As along as human beings do not break the balance and interfere with ecology, agriculture and forest need not be in conflict with each other.

This was the opinion of almost every speaker at the inaugural programme of a two-day brainstorming session on 'Agriculture and Forest: Conflicting Domains or Symbiotic Paradigm' organized by the National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (NBSS&LUP) on Tuesday.

S M Virmani, former chief scientist of International Crop Research Institute of Semi-Arid Tropics, Hyderabad, said that forest was capable of giving every thing human beings could ask for including shelter, food, and medicines but it was our greed that was leading to a situation of conflict. Giving examples of gradual disappearance of sparrow from urban ecology and tigers from forests, he said these were manmade disasters. The man-animal conflict was an example of man encroaching upon tiger's territory rather than tiger encroaching on human land. He warned that unless we traced the causes of this conflict. the required damage control was not possible.

A K Joshi, principal chief conservator of forests (PCCF), Maharashtra, spoke about the nature and conflict between people, animal, forest and agriculture activities and also mentioned the importance of symbiosis of these activities.

He also spoke about the livelihood opportunities through ecotourism in the tribal belts.

Ram Prasad, ex-PCCF Madhya Pradesh, explained the role of water management through forest for agriculture purpose and importance of forest planning for watershed management to provide maximum benefits to farmers in the lower reaches. Forest and agriculture both were land based, occupying a continuum on the landscape and their co-existence was necessary for sustainable livelihood in the tribal areas, he said.

He also mentioned that agriculture was the main beneficiary of forest ecosystem, conservation of forest could provide satisfaction provided policies were formulated to address specific issues, he added.

Dipak Sarkar, NBBS&LUP director, stressed on the role of forests in carbon storage as trees were the biggest source of carbon sequestration. He pointed out that cutting of forests led to huge soil erosion which had a devastating effect on both forest ecosystem as well as human life.

Ashok Sharma, chief general manager of Forest Development Corporation of Maharashtra, traced the root cause of various problems to improper policies. He categorically stated that disregarding scientific principles of management could eventually lead to vegetation anarchy both in forestry and agriculture. He called for a comprehensive landscape management policy.

Arun Chaturvedi, principal scientist and head of land use planning at NBBS&LUP, spoke on symbiosis of agriculture and forests. He observed that climate change would affect rainfed agriculture and increase pressure on the forests.

He stressed on the need for creating awareness among farmers about value of non-timber forest produce.

He said in erstwhile forested areas, it was not possible to sustain a family of even 4-5 persons on one or two hectare of land. The income from agriculture needed to be supplemented with additional income from forest produce or other ancillary activities like poultry, pisciculture small ruminant animals etc.

Expert View

* Since forests are biggest source of carbon-dioxide sequestration, conscious efforts should be done to increase forest cover without displacing forest dwellers

* Efforts must be made to minimize global warming caused through agriculture

* Agriculture growth should shift from horizontal to vertical

* Identify faults in existing forest and agriculture development processes and make efforts to rectify them

* Evolve better and scientific policies of land use for sustainable forest and agriculture development

* Develop a land use policy for country

* Increase per hectare productivity of agriculture and diversify agriculture

Times of India

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