Tips for Disease Prevention in Poultry Farming

Poultry farming is very lucrative and highly profitable business, however in case of any disease outbreak one can suffer heavy losses too.

The volatile nature of the poultry business warrants quick preventive measure according to the situation in order to fend off the future losses and to tap out the full potential.

Poultry experts stresses on the safety and preventive action in order to ensure the delivery of healthy meat and egg to the customers.

Here are the few tips to make a poultry farm safe from disease.
  • House keeping is the foremost important aspect of the poultry operation. Cleaning of shed and the vicinity is the key to healthy chicken.
  • Spray the farm with recommended germicide after cleaning and removing of chicken flock.
  • Disinfect the vicinity with calcium carbonate solution (choona)
  • The ambient temperature of the shed should be maintained at 75 ~ 80 degree Fahrenheit.
  • In winter don't use plastic curtains to cover the poultry shed. These curtains can increase the humidity which results in difficulties in breathing for the chicken especially the younger ones. So only use curtains made up of cloths preferably jeans.
  • Ventilation is very critical aspect of poultry shed operation. Proper ventilation reduces the risk of diseases related with breathing. Even when the sheds are closed during night with curtains there should be some room for ventilation in order to maintain proper environment in the shed.
  • One can use heaters in order to maintain temperature of the shed during winter. But proper care should be taken by not allowing any smoke to remain in the shed. Smoke is dangerous for the lungs of the chicken.
  • Use rice husk as floor and once it is soaked wet, change it.
  • Give vitamin E to the birds in winter
  • Isolate / quarantine / cull the unhealthy and sick birds once they are spotted.
  • Incinerate or compost the dead birds. Don't throw them in normal waste disposal.
  • Vaccinate all birds according to the schedule and when the local vet / authorities suggests.
  • Observe bio security measures in poultry shed. Clean the cloths, hands shoes before and after working in the sheds.
  • Stay in touch with the local vet, agriculture extension service for any further information and help.

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