Six Factors For Better Artificial Insemination Success
Posted by Unknown in Artificial Insemination, Breeding and Pregnancy, Cattle and Livestock on Sunday, 9 September 2012
Most artificial insemination (AI) programs rely heavily on a wide array of estrous synchronization (ES) programs now available. But success can vary widely, so it's important producers know which factors can negatively impact their AI programs -- and how to manage them.
"The key to ES in cows and heifers is knowing the six basic factors that can hurt success, and understanding that management can overcome most of them," says Cliff Lamb, University of Minnesota.

Younger cows have greater energy needs due to lactation and growth requirements, Lamb says. Both those needs take priority over her ability to begin her postpartum estrous cycles.
Because older cows have no growth requirements, nutrients are more likely to be prioritized for milk production and initiation of estrous cycles, he says. Because of this priority system, young growing cows generally produce less milk and remain in anestrus longer.
Thus, producers need to manage young cows and older cows differently, Lamb says. Young cows need more energy and higher-quality nutrients, especially in the weeks leading up to and immediately post-calving.
"If you provide younger cows with better care, you'll have much better results when you synchronize and AI them later," he says.
Days since calving. As a general rule, the longer between calving and ES, the better the breeding results, Lamb says. ES shouldn't occur less than 45 days after the birth of the calf.
Recordkeeping. For ES to work, producers must know when cows calved, whether she had a difficult birth, and the birth weight of all calves. That's why good records are important to ES success.

Facilities. Using ES, producers can expect more females to be in simultaneous heat. Thus, adequate facilities to handle the larger cattle numbers are needed.
ES programs also require females be handled more frequently in chutes for injections. Thus, working facilities need to be able to accommodate the extra work.
"Not only are reliable holding and sorting pens needed, but you should have a solid alley and chute system," Lamb says. "Anticipating the increase in facility use will certainly contribute to a successful ES program."
Labor. Heat detection is important to ES program success. That requires a commitment to having people on location checking for heat.
"Any observer needs to know exactly how cows act in heat," Lamb says. "This is where a program often fails. A producer might feel he has more important things to do, but abandoning heat check or entrusting it to an incompetent worker results in poor estrus response or poor conception rates."
Herd health and nutrition. To improve AI results, use a veterinarian-approved vaccination program for breeding animals, Lamb stresses. Nutrition programs also need continuous yearlong monitoring, not only to ensure adequate feed and water are available but that mineral and protein needs are met.
-- Eric Grant for the National Association of Animal Breeders. Learn more at, or call 573/445-4406.
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