How to Deworm Goats

De-worming a goat is not as simple as other farm animals. There is no set schedule or de-wormer to give the goat. Goats are very susceptible to many harmful worms. Learn how to keep your goat free of worms.

Moderately Easy


Things You'll Need

  • Multiple pastures
  • De-wormer
  1. De-worming

    • 1
      De-worm new goats before allowing them to joining your existing herd of goats. New goats can introduce new parasites and worms to your herd.
    • 2
      Quarantine newly wormed goats in a dry/dirt pen for a few days before turning them out into a grazing pasture. This allows the eggs that are not killed by the de-wormer to be passed in the dry area.
    • 3
      Use different de-worming products each time you de-worm your goats. Parasites in goats can become immune to de-worming products.
    • 4
      Rotate your goat herd often to different grazing pastures. Goats can graze in the same pastures used by horses and cattle.
    • 5
      Keep your goat herds down to a managable number. Too many goats grazing in one pasture will quickly cause the pasture to become infested with parasites.

Tips & Warnings

  • Worms and parasites in goats are controlled better by proper pasture management than by de-worming products.

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